BC546B Amplifier Transistors NPN Silicon, CBE, TO-92 Package. Used on Hantarex monitors such as MTC9000, MTC9010 at TR2, TR3, TR5, TR6, TR8, TR9, TR10, TR13 and Hantarex Polo monitors at T110, T112, TR1, TR3, TR5, TR7, TR103, TR104, TR105, TR106, TR108, TR110, TR112 and any other application that requires this transistor. The BC546B is higher rated and can replace any of the following BC547, BC547A, BC547B, BC547C, BC549, BC549A, BC549B, BC549C, BC550, BC550A, BC550B, BC550C, BC548, BC548A, BC548B and BC548C . These are used on many monitor and other applications. For every quantity of 1 added to your cart you will receive 5 transistors.
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